1. Experience
Cognito Abacus is promoted by a team of professionals who have over 15 years of experience in the field of Abacus Education.

2. Course Material
International Standard Quality & Colourful Course Material which is liked by Students and Teachers alike. We are confident that this is the best in the field of Abacus Education today.
3. Course Structure
Well Structured and progressive Course Structure divided across 9 levels with close affinity to School Curriculum. An optional Level 0, dedicated to the younger children upto 7 years to ensure that their foundation is strong when they enter Level 1.

4. Online Workbooks
Cognito Abacus Online Work Books are available to facilitate Online Learning for students where we are not physically present. In addition, all students are provided with a paid license of Microsoft Teams Free of Cost for effective delivery of Online Classes.
5. Teacher’s Training
Strong Emphasis is given on Systematic Teachers Training to ensure that our students get the best guidance. Regular refresher sessions are conducted so that our teachers are apprised with the latest developments and their weakness are countered regularly.

6. ERP System
Well Designed Web Based Centre Management System called CACTAS (Cognito Abacus CenTre Administrative System) for management of the centres and their operations. The system is scalable and modular. It has been designed to facilitate nearly paperless working.
7. Mobile Apps
Dedicated Android and Apple Apps for Parents, Teachers and Franchisee for smooth management of the centre at the touch of a screen. A special app for Centres to manage events like competition.

8. Computer Based Tools
Computer Based Tools like Visual Calculator and Dax’s Practice Den to help Children Practice at Home.
9. One World One Cognito
Easy and hassle-free transfer of Students from One Cognito Centre to Another across the globe to ensure continuation of the program in case of relocation.

10. Meaningful Evaluation
2 Layered (Concept Evaluation and Concept Proficiency) Student Evaluation System for stress free comprehensive evaluation and corrective action. The way marks are awarded in the examination, it not only gives an overview of the child’s progress but also highlights the grey areas precisely, which can then be corrected.
11. Special School Curriculum
In addition to regular level structure books, Cognito Abacus also offers dedicated schoolbooks that follow the academic year pattern and supports flexibility in examination schedules to sync with the school examinations. This helps implementation of the Cognito Abacus Curriculums in schools and helps to get the desired results.