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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Abacus program and Vedic mathematics? Which is better?

An abacus program is a cognitive skill enhancement program that uses the abacus as a tool and arithmetic as a medium to learn and helps children perform better in all aspects of life. It is meant for children of the 6-13 years age group.

Vedic mathematics is an ancient Indian methodology based on 16 shlokas or sutras and 13 sub sutras that help to solve complex mathematics based on arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, and conics with ease.

Vedic mathematics is a powerful concept, but its use is selective and situational. Some of the concepts are not universal when applied. It means method X is applicable for questions that use specific numbers. If these number changes, the same method may not be applicable. It is difficult to explain the selective methodology to younger children, as it can confuse them. Some of the topics like calculus covered in Vedic maths are meant for older students.

Therefore, Vedic mathematics is helpful for children who are in higher classes (class VIII or above). Both programs have a different purpose and are meant for different age groups. So, when it comes to selecting the program for your child, selection should be based on age and purpose of learning.

Why do we have class once a week? Why cannot we have more than one class of smaller duration?

There are two reasons why the classes are held once a week.

a. The Abacus program is experiential in nature. When any concept is introduced, in the class, several activities are conducted to ensure better understanding and grasping of that concept. These activities are time-consuming. Classes having lesser duration will split these activities across classes making them less effective. Assume a cooking class. If you are teaching to make a dish, which takes an hour and a half to prepare, we would need the same time for the class. We cannot do half preparation on day one and remaining preparation in the next class.

b. Logistic comfort is another reason, although not very significant. The abacus classes are meant for 6-13 years old children who are school going. The classes, therefore, need to be conducted in non-school hours, generally over the weekend. Parents would need to arrange for a pick-up and drop multiple times in a week, which will be a wastage of both time and money both.

What should I do if my child misses a class due to personal engagement?

Missing 1 or 2 classes every 6 months is manageable. However, every missed class creates a gap. The parents should talk to the teacher or centre-in-charge to arrange for a makeover class. If the absence is planned, the makeover class should be requested in advance. If the absence is unplanned, it should be requested as soon as the engagement is over. However, the parents should make effort to ensure that the practice continues uninterruptedly.

Once my children are habituated to using an abacus, will they need to carry the abacus with them throughout their life to be able to solve the arithmetic questions?

Once children are habituated to using the abacus, they form its image in their right brain. They can solve the arithmetic questions mentally and therefore do not require carrying the abacus throughout their life.

If my child can grasp the concepts faster, can the program be finished earlier? Can we fast-track the program?

For exercising the brain, the effort must be consistent and persistent. Rushing through a fast-track abacus program will be an overdose of concept with zero exercises of the brain. Although the child may be able to grasp the concept faster, the cognitive skills will still require time to develop. Finishing the program quickly, may not give better or desired results.

Due to medical reasons (or for any other reason), my child will miss multiple classes. What should be my approach?

In an unfortunate event of a medical emergency or any unspecified emergency which causes absence in multiple or continuous classes, the parents should meet the centre in charge and arrange the transfer of the student to the next batches. Also, the parents can request practice material from the centre to ensure that the child maintains continuity.

What happens after the child completes this program? How will he or she continue to practice and use whatever was learned during the program?

Arithmetic finds its usage in almost every field and phase of life. Once a child has completed the program, he or she will be using arithmetic all his or her life and in turn, will get to practice what he or she has learned.

Why is daily practice important?

Daily practice is of utmost importance. The success of the entire abacus program depends on this very facet. The brain does not accept a change unless it receives the same message repeatedly. Any change in our body is effective and everlasting if it is gradual and consistent. Therefore, daily practice is a must.

I am moving to a new city. Cognito Abacus does not have a centre there. What is the best approach I should take?

In the event you move to a city where Cognito Abacus does not have a centre, get in touch with us at [email protected]. We will connect you with the centre facilitating Online Classes to ensure continuity.

Will my child get confused while solving an arithmetic question, as there is a difference in the method followed by abacus classes and that of school?

The only way to teach numbers is through counting. There is no other way. We count various objects while explaining the numbers to young kids. While learning numbers on an abacus, our objects are the beads. The Soroban abacus uses the standard concepts of the Number lines system and the Decimal system (HTO system) as taught in schools. So, the method used in the abacus or in schools is virtually the same, only the objects have changed. So, the children will not get confused.

My child studies in a school that promotes abacus classes. How is it different from private centres?

The Abacus program in most of the schools is run as just another activity where not much importance or seriousness is accorded. The result is that the parents and students do not take it seriously and are hardly regular. Like sports, music, or any other co-curricular activities, the classes are frequently cancelled or replaced as per academic priorities. Abacus is interesting and fun-filled learning but needs serious attention and practice. The private centres ensure that the due seriousness is warranted, and they work hard to achieve the purpose. Abacus programs in school can only be successful if the school gives the necessary academic weightage to them.